Quality Policiy
As Atesa Tekstil, it has always been our first priority for the yarn we will produce to work at the same standard and without any problems in the next production stages.
To ensure this; When the purchased raw materials, which we have determined for all the yarns we will produce, come to our enterprises, our expert personnel take samples from each bale and use our state-of-the-art equipment.
With our USTER HVI 1000, MN100 NEPS devices, the compliance of the raw material with our quality standards is measured and a blend recipe is prepared as a result of this measurement. Each blend is of the same quality and color tone. In this way, we provide our customers with products of the same quality and without any abrasion problems.
After correctly determining the raw material suitable for the yarn suitable for yarn production, we determine the standards for the desired strip and yarn quality at every stage of the production process, and with USTER test devices,
We carry out our controls with a proactive, preventable quality control approach that prioritizes prevention before errors occur, under constant control.
Again, the necessary tests such as the strength, elasticity and thickness of the yarns produced in the same way are checked in the laboratory by our expert quality controllers.
Our products, which have been checked according to the quality standards determined at all stages of production, are delivered by palletizing in a way that they will work with the best performance in the processes after us.
Çevre Politikası
As Atesa Tekstil construction, agriculture, food, industry and commerce A.Ş;
- To continuously improve the environmental health and environmental protection awareness of our employees.
- To reduce our waste and to contribute to the protection of natural resources, to ensure recycling and to minimize material, energy and water consumption by following appropriate procedures.
- To use the best possible technologies for an environmentally friendly production.
- To work for the continuity of our environmental management system and practices in order to increase our environmental performance.
- To ensure that all employees become aware of their environmental responsibilities and fulfill the requirements as part of their contracts.
- To use raw materials and materials that do not harm the environment in our production processes.
- To reduce the wastes generated in our production processes and to ensure their recycling.
- To use our natural resources consciously and effectively.
- To fulfill our responsibilities towards the society by complying with the legal regulations related to the environment.
Occupational Health and Safety Policy
As Atesa Tekstil construction, agriculture, food, industry and commerce A.Ş;
In order to meet the needs and expectations of our customers and all relevant parties, while performing all our activities, we adopt as a primary business goal to minimize all kinds of losses that may occur
and to improve continuously by creating a safer and healthier working environment.
- Occupational Health and Safety is the responsibility of all employees.
- In order to reach the goal of zero work accident and occupational disease; The risks arising from our operations are determined and evaluated, and these risks are brought to an acceptable level with the studies carried out.
- By creating Occupational Health and Safety Management Programs, important occupational health and safety risks are revealed and targets are set for continuous improvement.
- All of our employees, contractors and visitors in our fields of activity are provided with the necessary skills and competencies related to occupational health and safety through information and training programs, and it is ensured that they increase their personal awareness.
- In the field of Occupational Health and Safety, Basic Performance Indicators are measured and reported.
- During our activities or likely to result in injury; All incidents and accidents are examined and necessary improvements are made to prevent their recurrence.
- By cooperating with customers, legal institutions and the society within the framework of these principles, we work to inform all our material and service suppliers about the requirements of our policy and to help them improve themselves in these matters.
Human Rights Policy
As Atesa Tekstil construction, agriculture, food, industry and commerce A.Ş;
Respect for Human Rights:
In accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it respects universal human rights in the countries where it operates and aims to prevent human rights violations. In addition, it respects the rights of indigenous
peoples in the countries of operation by referring to the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Equal Opportunity, Respect for Diversity and Differences:
Gender, language, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, nationality, age, pregnancy, marital status, union membership, political opinion and similar issues among employees in human resources processes such as remuneration, recruitment,
personal and professional development, and in the business environment. It exhibits an equal attitude without any discrimination depending on the subject and does not tolerate discrimination in these matters.
Collective Bargaining Right and Freedom of Association:
Respects employees' right to collective bargaining and freedom of association.
Freedom of expression:
It adopts the principle of preventing any situation that may hinder employees' right to freedom of expression in the business environment.
Healthy and Safe Working:
It considers providing the conditions and work environment where they can work safely and happily to all its employees among its priorities and acts in line with the goal of "zero accident" in all its activities.
Prevention of Abuse:
It does not tolerate incidents such as ill-treatment, intimidation and harassment in the business environment.
Forced Labor and Human Trafficking:
It strictly prohibits forced labor and human trafficking.
Child Labor:
It prohibits child labor in line with the principle of not employing child labor as set forth in the Declaration of Fundamental Labor Principles and Rights of the International Labor Organization.
Criminal Acts:
It does not take any initiatives that may result in a crime or violation of rights in the countries where it operates. In this regard, it expects employees to show sensitivity in the same direction.
Stakeholders Feedback:
It gives importance to the feedback and opinions of the stakeholders about the policy. Policy-related feedbacks and possible policy violations and non-compliances can be directly addressed to the management personnel with our open door policy system, and external complaints via the request and complaint box can be called 0 (322) 394 35 42 or 0 (322) 394 35 46
They can send a fax from the number.
Also they can inform us by email to atesatekstil@superonline.com.tr or via the contact information form on our website www.atesa.com.tr
Social Compliance Policy
Innovative, researcher and developer management in every field from production to human resources, from customer relations to market expectations, from sub-industry to technological developments.
- Forced Labor (Voluntary Labor):Our company cannot force any employee to work. The working principles in our business are based on volunteerism.
- Child Labor (Minor Employees): No child labor is acceptable in our business. The minimum age determined by national and international laws is taken into account, except for mandatory situations such as trainees and trainees.
- Discrimination (Egalitarian Approach): Our business values all of its employees and their contributes. It has a deep-rooted commitment to standing up to discrimination and providing equal opportunity.
- Ethical Business Conduct: Our business does not tolerate any form of corruption, fraud, embezzlement or bribery.
- Working Hours and Wages (Wage / Salary): Our business pays its employees competitive wages according to the sectoral and local labor market. Our practices are carried out in full compliance with applicable laws and employment contracts regarding wages, working hours, overtime and benefits.
- Our business ensures the creation and maintenance of a safe and healthy workplace environment. The company aims to ensure its continuity by minimizing the risk of our employees being exposed to accidents, injuries and all kinds of factors that threaten health, by creating a safe, healthy and productive work environment.
- Commitment to Community and Stakeholders: Our business commits to establishing bonds with its stakeholders on the basis of goodwill, by listening to their views, learning from their views and taking into account their views.
- Employing Foreign Workers (Employment of Foreign Workers): Our business does not employ illegal workers. Employment contracts for foreign nationals employed/to be employed in accordance with our laws in our enterprise are drawn up in a language they can understand. Our company protects the legal rights of foreign workers to work.
- Rest Days and Holidays: They do not deprive employees of rest and holidays within the framework of their legal rights.
- Recruitment and Employment:Open positions needed by the management of our business are determined and employment is carried out by the company management in accordance with the laws and within the framework of certain rules (egalitarian approach, leave, wage, vacation, employment contract, etc.).
- Employment Contract (Employer Contracts): An “Indefinite Term Employment Agreement” is prepared between our company and the person to be employed, which is in compliance with the workplace and the law and includes the conditions offered to the candidate personnel.
- Work and Worker Discipline: In order to ensure disciplined work by our company, the disciplinary rules determined by the disciplinary board are applied. The company cannot impose a wage deduction sanction in any way to discipline its employees.
- Freedom of Association: Our business; is committed to an open and constructive dialogue with its employees and their representatives. Employees are free to join organizations of their choice to represent them.
- Environmental Protection: We manage the environmental impacts that may arise from all our activities responsibly. In all our activities, we determine and implement all kinds of improvement and development studies that will destroy or minimize environmental impacts and use natural resources in the most efficient way.